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Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Go For It

Earlier today, as I pulled up to my apartment building, I saw something that really blessed me. There was a small girl, no taller than 4'10 and no older than age 8 sitting behind a stand with a sign that read "LEMONADE - $1.00." When I got out of my car, she bashfully greeted me with her head down and said "Would you like to buy some lemonade?" "Of course I would...and thank you," I said with a soft smile as I handed her a dollar and proceeded to take the bags out of my car. As I made several trips from the car to my front door unloading grocery bags, I passed the small girl selling her lemonade only to see her being continuously declined for more sales of her lemonade. Sadly, I turned and went in the house.

About two hours later, I returned to my car and to my surprise, the small girl was still patiently sitting behind her lemonade stand. This time, she greeted me with a big smile and said, "hello again!" the confidence in her voice instantly put a smile on my face. "Have you made any more money?" I asked. "Yes!" she said with a huge smile while looking at Little Jayse and Janisa trailing behind me. "I can give your kids some lemonade for free if you want," she smiled. "I would like that," I said. The little girl then poured what was almost the last of her lemonade into cups for Jayson and Janisa as they got into the car. "Have a nice day!" I said while getting into the car. "Ok bye!" she waived. "I will be here tomorrow too!" she happlily informed me with a big smile. "Ok," I laughed.
When I returned home an hour later, the little girl's lemonade stand was gone. As I got out of the car, I caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of my eye blowing bubbles with her girl friends. She was laughing and playing as if she didn't have a care in the world. I walked into my house and sat down and became encouraged like never before. I was encouraged to go forth in the things that God has called me to; to not be fearful or disheartened when things aren't going the way that I think they should - but to be patient and stand firm on what I know God has given me. The little girl could have given up selling lemonade after getting turned down again and again by those in our neighborhood - but instead, she continued to wait patiently for the next sale. I became inspired all over again to give to others even if it may never benefit me. The little girl offered to "give my kids lemonade" just because we were walking by even though she did not have much left to give. It makes me think...I wonder who else the little girl gave free lemonade too? I became enthusiastic about encouraging my children in their own gifts and talents. I want them to know that Mommy will always support their dreams and visions, no matter how young or old they are. Most of all, I thank God for blessing me with the single dollar that I used to use to purchase that cup of lemonade from that precious little girl. I look forward to the next time that I am able buy another glass of her tasty lemonade.