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Monday, February 11, 2013


At times, I have been known to be pretty stubborn. In fact, if I had to describe myself, I think I could accurately use stubborn as one of my best character traits. Once my heart is set on an idea and my mind is made up, it takes a lot to change my feelings. Sometimes, if I do a little research, or gain better insight on a topic or situation, it may be a little easier for me to change my mind - but even then, there is a high chance that I will still stand headstrong on my opinions. When it comes to my faith, I show those same unwavering characteristics. When I tell folks my testimony, I get one of two responses. I either hear, "I can't believe that," or I just simply get a stare from that person as if I was crazy and had five heads. When placed in a predicament such as that, I always get excited because it's just another opportunity for me to be an example of how awesome God really is. I believe in miracles. I believe that Jesus Christ is a healer. I believe that if I ask God for anything as long as I'm in His will I can receive it. Some things might sound unbelievable and situations may look crazy but I believe that my God is big enough to do whatever, however, and whenever He wants to. I expect God to work a miracle in my life everyday - and He has not let me down yet.